In the end she found herself stretched diagonally across the bed, her shoulders level with Crystal's hip.
One of the doors was opened two feet and the dark within was cut by a path stretching diagonally across the floor.
He was beside her on the bed then, rolling so that they stretched diagonally on the bed.
Most weaves provide some give or stretch diagonally.
He had a scar that stretched diagonally across his face, and the most remarkable eyes she had ever seen: They were deep purple.
Sometimes I imagine the map of the world spread out and you stretched diagonally across it.
It stretches diagonally from the northeastern coast of Sabah to the state's central region.
Rolling onto her back, she stretched across the spread diagonally.
She squinted through the windshield but could see no one, just the abandoned car stretched diagonally across the road.
From the centre of the desk, to form a T with it, a conference table stretches diagonally out across the room.