These days their bodies are stretched to the limit - often in ways that carry long-term consequences.
Without having to commit to long-term contracts, they have been allowed to stretch themselves in ways that commercial television rarely affords.
"But the ligaments and muscles got stretched in ways they shouldn't have been."
Lenders have aggressively encouraged home buyers to stretch in ways that would have been unimaginable a decade ago.
How do we learn to see the world differently and stretch our imaginations in unexpected ways?
(13) She was stretched and pinched again in various ways.
But the role asks her to stretch in ways that could snap hamstrings.
A horrible cramp jig-jagged up her left side as her body stretched in ways it hadn't been meant to even under the best of conditions.
Those visits to the museum stretched my mind in ways that my schoolwork didn't.
We've called on people to stretch themselves in new and interesting ways.