In his role as servant, the Indian stood a certain distance away, not participating in the strict ritual.
As it is being as a ritualistic art form and has strict traditional rituals which are strictly followed even now,Theeyattu cannot be modified at one's will.
But the sport, with its traditional uniforms and strict ritual, is most associated with Great Britain.
The Mussulmen have certain strict rituals for the disposal of theirdead.
Every Sonowal Kachari village has an identical Namghor that follows strict religious rituals and customs.
The temple is known for strict rituals and its devotion to the Serpent God.
Most settled in villages, working as craftsmen and adhering to strict religious rituals that include, to this day, the reading of the Bible in Aramaic.
There was somebody in his barn, on his property, and he had a strict ritual for trespassers.
Marjorie noticed that Jan packed her clothing in a strict ritual.
The courtly hierarchies of one are challenged by the clans and strict rituals of another or the institutional pride of a third.