The agreement included strict targets for promotions, and within two years women represented roughly 22 percent of the sales force, up from 10 percent when the accord was reached.
They're reallynot terrorists; they have a strict military/industrial target only policy.
It is not conducive with the strict targets and national standards set by the Youth Justice Board.
Banc One sets basic yet strict financial targets for the banks it takes over, but it lets local managers decide how to meet them.
He argued forcefully that Britain should maintain strict monetary targets, and that the money supply should not be manipulated for political reasons.
It was decided instead to adopt less strict targets for these areas and to tighten the target for the rest of the continent to a 60 per cent gap reduction.
The second is that strict political targets need to be guaranteed, including targets for reducing emissions.
Applying strict quantitative targets and stipulating rigid, short-term outputs with a mind to economic efficiency acts as a barrier to co-produced service models.
Until last week, global warming policy was synonymous with the Kyoto Protocol, which requires industrialized countries to control emissions of greenhouse gases according to strict targets and timetables.
The concept is unappealing to environmental lobbies that want strict targets and timetables.