Their diet varies from fairly strict vegetarianism to nearly pure insectivory, with every grade in between.
In Buddhism, monks in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam are vegetarian; however, strict vegetarianism is not required.
He advocated a brand of socialism that was ethically motivated, anti-clerical and anti-Marxist, but also undemocratic and included strict vegetarianism and a defense of animal rights.
And the delicious smell of the penned animals and the blood from the slaughterhouses was chiming against her strict vegetarianism.
During two decades, Eleanor Holt went from eating everything to strict vegetarianism to eating everything again.
The colonists "abhorred private property, practised a rigid code of morality, strict vegetarianism and nudism.
His religious faith and strict vegetarianism led him to undertake several lengthy and severe fasts.
Some Hindu traditions, such as Vaishnavism, emphasize strict vegetarianism.
The followers of Pythagoras (called Pythagoreans) did not always practice strict vegetarianism, but at least their inner circle did.
These groups insist on strict vegetarianism, denounce any use of animals in laboratories and even forswear wool clothing because sheep can be nicked in the shearing.