Ms. Ferraro did not deny that the release of the returns came in response to her opponents' strident attacks on her integrity.
While the program cuts have their roots in financial emergency, they are growing into something else: an increasingly strident attack on the very idea of welfare.
Miller struck 15 fours and three sixes in a strident attack on the bowling.
It's a tremendous asset at a time when people are clearly tired of strident attacks.
He is a favorite of conservatives, so many people expect a strident attack on Bill Clinton, the Democratic nominee.
Yet away from his strident attacks on US foreign policy, he came across as subdued and reclusive - not hostile or threatening.
More strident attacks have come from other quarters.
His strident attacks on the French government were also popular.
Should not these strident attacks make Jews uncomfortable?
The Governor's comments came in a strident attack on the Legislature clearly intended to break the torpor that has surrounded budget negotiations here.