The strident sound of an angry female voice was coming from one of the offices.
The dolphins emit these strident sounds when in the presence of other individuals moving towards the same prey.
We heard the strident sound inside the room beyond.
The final echoes of The Shadow's gunfire were broken by a new and strident sound.
Amid this confusion came the strident sound of a police siren.
The tiny body paled, deprived of blood, as the strident sound continued.
Leigh blinked as she became aware of the strident sound of the telephone.
"No," she cried, hoping the strident sound of her voice would drown out the questions he asked in a soothing tone.
Studies had shown that a low-pitched, less strident sound was a more effective alarm, but, no, they insisted on this.
The strident sound of the bell filled the room, echoing off the walls, until each ring seemed to drill into her skull.