In the midst of the strident public statements both for and against the proposed legislation, a number of voices have taken more nuanced positions, or have called for moderation and mutual understanding.
A Pentagon spokesman, Capt. Michael Doubleday, said the strike against the radar, near Mosul, was justified by Iraq's increasingly strident statements and actions since the attacks last month.
Gillette rejected it the same day, saying the company would "not be subject to arbitrary conditions or deadlines or affected by strident statements made by Revlon in its own self-interest."
The president of Colt's, Ronald E. Stilwell, said in an interview yesterday that Mrs. Brady's "strident" statements "continue to deal with emotions."
"It was quite clear that he had made numerous strident, intemperate and insensitive public statements over the years" on several issues, including school desegregation, political emancipation and school prayer, Mr. Leahy said.
Washington's strident statements about liberating Iran, for example, have spread concern across the Continent that America may try to use military force there.
There has been a lessening of tension between the Government and the nation's black majority, and a muting of strident public statements on both sides, accompanied by a tentative good will unseen in recent years.
The discussion was civil and calm; there were no peace signs or armbands in sight, no raised voices or strident statements.
Noting strident statements by right-wing politicians in Japan, however, he tempered his optimism by noting that many Koreans were still on guard for any sign of Japanese nationalism.
"Recent events and strident statement appear to highlight the differences in religious belief and practice that divide us rather than unite us," the statement said.