His pickup was struck broadside.
The Albanian boat was struck broadside and sank.
Last summer, as a 72-year-old friend exited from a strip mall in Connecticut, her car was struck broadside by an van she had not seen coming.
In attempting a left-hand turn on a road with limited visibility, she hesitated just a little too long and was struck broadside by an oncoming vehicle.
According to Robert Osborne of Turner Classic Movies, his car was struck broadside by a wagon on a country road.
The ship steadied but only for a moment as an immense wave struck broadside.
Three years ago, a supervisor died when his car was struck broadside in Brooklyn.
Officers taking him to the hospital were also hurt when the ambulance being used was struck broadside by a car.
A few months later, her car was struck broadside while she was making a turn.
Those nearest the charge could not swerve out of the way in time and were simply struck broadside.