But the strike has given rise to an on-line news-gathering competition between management and labor.
The strike may give a small lift to other carriers, which have not yet reported their fourth-quarter earnings.
Even so, the strike gave the Brotherhood added visibility that led to increased membership.
But many catalogue executives said that the strike had given them a new view of the Postal Service.
The strike gave others hope that they could get their concerns out by word of mouth.
After about a year Polly was ready for a break, and the miners' strike in 1984 gave her the opportunity to move on.
The miners' strike (1984-1985) gave Andy the opportunity to devote his time to climbing.
All was not lost on that dark summer day when baseball stopped, because overnight the strike gave birth to a novel journalism.
"Unfortunately I do not see how a strike will give us any more money or enable us to increase wages," he said.
We've bombed the area before, because we suspected that there might be a city there, so another strike will not give us away.