Many consultants say a strike would hurt club owners more than the players.
Mayor Bloomberg, too, raised the question of whom the strike is hurting.
Last year, the company brought out a 9000 model with a trunk, but a strike hurt early production.
But the two sides agree that the strike has hurt business.
The strike hurt a couple of our players' chances to go.
We are comforted in the article by the knowledge that the strike will not hurt service for most of us.
"We carried on for almost a year, but the strike really hurt."
A strike later in the season would hurt the owners far more than the players, who by then would have received most of their pay.
The strike hurt one young family that was trying to move back home to St. Paul.
"Something's going on I don't know about if a strike can really hurt those multimillionaire owners or players who make $45,000 every two weeks."