In his senior season, Taylor threw 88 innings, striking out 213 hitters while walking 28.
Darvish struck out at least 10 hitters in each of his first five starts.
His last three starts were all complete games and he struck out 35 hitters in those 27 innings.
He saw Taylor strike out 17 hitters and allow one hit in a 1-0 defeat.
He also struck out 87 hitters after striking out 89 the season before.
He was sharp enough to strike out seven hitters on Saturday, and he walked only one.
In 28 starts, he struck out 173 hitters while walking just 55 over 171 innings.
What if some rookie pitcher strikes out 25 hitters in a game during a 10-13 season and a 50-65 career?
Although his record was 19-35, he did have a good earned run average of 3.55, and struck out 230 hitters.
Wells struck out four hitters in his last start, all on curveballs.