Perhaps one reason is that they tend to mouth and chew their food and don't strike solidly very often.
Ahem, we'll discuss that later," he smiled, as a bullet struck solidly into the cabin wall.
But there was no playoff, and no one struck the ball all week more solidly than Watson.
Both blows struck solidly, but Thompson merely bowed his head and drove in, butting Coburn in the chest.
The harpoon struck solidly in the meaty part, ahead of the spreading translucent fin.
The reek struck solidly at his memories.
Cassidy struck solidly on Quinn's upraised arm, which broke with a crack.
Minutes later a fish, perhaps the same fish, struck solidly.
Then she struck again solidly, and began to roll over.
The shaft struck solidly, sending a spray of feathers fluttering through the air.