A violent cyclone struck the island of Madagascar, with winds at more than 125 mph.
The hurricane struck South Carolina on Sept. 21 with winds of 135 miles an hour.
On February 5, 2008, at 7:02 p.m.the university was struck by an EF4 tornado, with winds between 166-200 miles per hour.
Only 2 other hurricanes have struck the United States with winds of Category 5 strength.
The storm eventually struck the island with winds of 165 km/h (105 mph) late on September 11.
That storm struck central Long Island with winds up to 60 miles an hour early yesterday.
The storm struck south central Texas with winds of around 100 miles an hour.
Shortly after the accident, a blizzard suddenly struck with high winds and zero visibility.
She stayed alive by clinging to a tree as the cyclone struck with winds of 140 miles per hour.
In the midst of his burial, a great storm struck, with massive winds and rains.