The most striking conclusion drawn from two weeks of tasting the 93's is that Pellegrini, in Cutchogue, turned out the single best collection.
Quality teaching often leads to striking conclusions that call for what might be best described as an 'intensification of activity' at crucial periods.
Although the solo and the ensemble made effective points along the way, they lacked striking conclusions.
But its most striking conclusions involved Kwangju.
A striking conclusion of their research was regarding the way in which money supply fluctuations are contributing to economic fluctuations.
The analysis of the historical evidence leads to a striking conclusion.
Indeed, after deconstructionist arguments and possible rebuttals, he comes to the striking conclusion that, on its own terms, linguistic nihilism cannot be refuted.
One of his most striking conclusions is that in a probabilistic multiverse, any event with a non-zero probability will eventually occur.
One striking conclusion: only 11.5 percent of day traders at that Massachusetts branch could make even a short-term profit.
'I'm trying to write a story specifically for you - one with a strong start and a striking conclusion.'