Perhaps the most striking discovery was the oldest Corinthian capital found to date.
Maderno's use of color was not the only striking discovery during the basilica's restoration.
This is a striking discovery because this indicated that species were much more diverse in the distant past than previously thought.
Then let us say we make a striking discovery of more oil yet - a bonanza - and we now have a 10,000-year supply.
Perhaps the most striking discovery was that of a male O. leptodon skull with a tusk significantly longer than the other.
If true, it would be a striking discovery, proving that the Olmecs had discovered the compass perhaps more than 1,000 years before the Chinese.
One of the striking discoveries she made in preparing the reading list was just how thoroughly the books were shot through with nostalgia.
But the most striking discovery at Pokrovka has been the skeletons of women buried with swords and daggers.
The most striking discoveries of this long traverse are not paleontological.