With its tremendous physicality and humor, Pilobolus was to make a striking impact on modern dance.
Orientals, especially the Japanese, have made an especially striking impact on mainstream Western concert life.
So far, the most striking impact of the heat and drought has been visual.
The freeze, by curtailing spending, could have a striking impact here.
The proliferation of hot sauces has had a striking impact on the way the products are marketed, and the difference is especially striking at Tabasco.
Similar re-evaluations across Hollywood are having a striking impact.
The reason is that spherical shots are more resistant to the fracture which happens due to the striking impact.
Relentless hammering laid naively alongside delicate dialogues made a striking impact.
Pope Benedict's conservative religious teachings are not likely to have a striking impact on Arab daily life.
Computer scientists said it had had a striking impact in the international computing world, touching off a new race for global supercomputing supremacy.