We could fight any one, but a body already weakened by stringent diet, it hasn't the strength.
Study participants had no difficulty sticking to a 30 percent fat diet, whereas more stringent diets require a dedication that most Americans lack.
If, of course, you have a physiological disorder and can't tolerate certain types of food, consult your doctor; a more stringent diet may be required.
When the scales tipped in at 160 last year, she decided enough was enough and went on a stringent diet.
The H.M.O.'s have forced many hospitals in the country to consolidate and be on a stringent diet of little money.
Secondary vitamin K deficiency can occur in bulimics, those on stringent diets, and those taking anticoagulants.
In the spring and summer of 1969, Gleason went on a very stringent diet and lost an enormous amount of weight.
And then there are those rebelling against their stringent public diets by indulging their richer tastes at home.
Today, he said, few cardiologists doubt that heart disease can be reversed through a stringent, low-fat diet.
England pace bowler says he is ready for tour after going on stringent diet.