Much of the improvement results from stringent efforts to cut costs.
In spite of the stringent efforts by the military regime to isolate us from the rest of the world, we never felt alone in our struggle.
Regional and local differences also play a role, as does continuing debate among environmentalists and industry representatives over the need for more stringent anti-pollution efforts.
More stringent efforts to spot traitorous employees, including periodic lie-detector tests, would be very unusual in an electricity bureaucracy, to be sure.
The auto makers were also involved in stringent cost-cutting efforts last year, but still came out with voluntary plans.
Still, Long worked hard for McKeithen but held back his most stringent efforts on Spaht's behalf.
She quelled it with stringent effort, then stole a glance at Gareth, an act instantly regretted.
Through stringent effort she kept her voice even.
For a time, High Alector Zelyert enforced a more stringent effort in dealing with such.
The contamination of clay bodies by minute metallic elements has long been a recurring nightmare for potters despite stringent efforts to eradicate the 'disease'.