Still, some officials said it remained unclear whether the proposal would require the weakening of current rules that offer stringent protection to existing signals.
Neither, however, will receive the stringent protections of prisoners of war.
For more stringent protections, the policy enforcement can be incorporated into a tamper-resistant network card.
Parliament clearly intended to give stringent protection to such places.
On the other hand, scientists and conservationists push for stringent protection, warning that many stocks could be wiped out within fifty years.
He said his union would not even endorse trade accords that included stringent protections for workers' rights and the environment.
Community regulations should never represent a brake on, or obstacle to, the action of Member States that wish to offer their citizens more stringent protection.
This shows that, despite the Constitution's talk of a high level of protection, the most stringent protection can be removed.
Third country imports should be subjected to the same stringent environmental protection, food safety, animal welfare and other regulations as European farmers.
Mr. Miller said he had sought more stringent protections for the rock art than the government eventually required.