In general, hedge funds attract money from rich people and big institutions and, as a result, are somewhat less stringently regulated than ordinary money managers.
Now exposure to asbestos is stringently regulated by the Federal Government, and the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed gradually eliminating virtually all uses of the mineral.
The public water supply is much more stringently regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency than bottled water is by the Food and Drug Administration.
They still allowed tours-she'd checked-but they were stringently regulated with the threat of terrorism always a thunderhead ready to storm.
Jack Russo, the commissioner of the Roslyn Water District, said that water districts were stringently regulated by federal, state and local government standards.
Yet in contrast to the stringently regulated nuclear industry, oilfield radiation is unregulated except for very modest new protections for some workers in Texas and Louisiana.
Genetic tests that are offered as services, in contrast to those offered as testing kits, are not stringently regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Demarcated as the one zone where people are allowed some liberty, the pleasure district is in itself testimony to a stringently regulated society.
"They are regulated far more stringently than wood-burning stoves or cars."
Mass culture was less stringently regulated than high culture, possibly because the authorities feared the consequences of too heavy-handed interference in popular entertainment.