Although the meat of all pumpkins has rich golden color, it also has a bland, somewhat stringy texture.
The bark is dark gray-brown, with stringy texture, and fissured on old trees.
Most people professed to love them, but Caeled disliked the stringy texture of their flesh.
The bark is gray, with a fibrous stringy texture, shredding on old trees.
If today's pork is served well-done, it is likely to have a dry, stringy texture.
This will create the stringy and chewy texture found in instant noodles.
At the time of ovulation the protective cervical plug is released giving the vaginal discharge a stringy texture with an egg white color.
Some types of wheat gluten have a chewy or stringy texture that resembles meat more than other substitutes.
Potato-leek, a special one evening, had an unpleasant stringy texture.
The bark is red-brown, vertically fissured and with a stringy texture.