This would become a rare first in which a major television network would strip a station of its affiliation without first announcing a new affiliate.
Blade stood up and somehow managed to finish stripping himself without fumbling or delay.
Nobody still has the right to strip a person of permanent residency without their will, even the owner of the apartment.
She was the sort who stripped to the heart without strain or shame.
I would strip her of nothing without dispute.
Disgraced officers could be cashiered by the crown (that is, stripped of their commission without reimbursement).
I need not tell you that we cannot strip garrisons from Greece without dire risk so soon after their own rebellion.
He stripped without ceremony and plunged into the warm shower.
He stripped the barrel, receiver and bolt assembly without instruction.
He was forever out of his time, far gone from someplace where he had grown, stripped of past and without his own future.