The boldest stroke of the whole wretched business followed, when Sir Peter took his dead brother's place.
A second stroke followed four years later.
A stroke pointing towards the bottom left followed by a curve so that the stroke points to the right.
Another stroke followed and then another, and he was dead within the month.
A vertical stroke on the right at the center of the second stroke followed by a loop near the end.
In 2006, Cosnett suffered a serious stroke which almost killed him, followed several months later by another which again he was lucky to survive.
I noticed that their strokes, strong in the water, only followed each other every ten seconds, according to the method generally adopted in the navy.
TIAs are a warning sign that a stroke may soon follow.
Baudelaire suffered a massive stroke in 1866 and paralysis followed.
Five strokes followed, hard, well-aimed blows delivered with the Warden's considerable power.