The typeface differs from other realist sans-serifs in its organic shapes and subtle transitions of stroke width, all contributing to a less severe, humanist tone of voice.
The stroke width is 1/5 of the diameter, and the gap width is the same.
The stroke width is reduced for use at larger point sizes where the stroke weight used in smaller text sizes would be too heavy.
With my tablet ready, brushing on images gave me full variation in stroke width and transparency:
The face is nearly monoline in its stroke width and lacks the sweltering over-onamentation typical not only of Page's faces, but of those typical of the nineteenth century.
The degree sign is a uniform circle and is never underlined, while the letter o may be oval or elliptical and have a varying stroke width.
Although pens with semi-flexible nibs and liquid ink can also vary their stroke width depending on the degree of applied pressure, their variation range is far less obvious.
In designing Century Schoolbook, M. F. Benton increased the x-height, the stroke width, and overall letterspacing.
They were separated by a space smaller than the stroke width between them, and the whole character was slanted as though it were cursive.
The other two typefaces are similar but have additional stroke width in the letters to compensate for light backgrounds.