The slim turrets were replaced by strong bastions.
Three thousand troops arrived to retake the castle, rebuild it, and construct a new barracks and stronger bastions.
Although West Point was a strong bastion of Episcopalianism, during this assignment he converted to Catholicism in 1845.
The square fort, with its massive walls, strong flanking bastions, secret tunnels to the sea and intricately carved huge doors, is an imposing structure.
The military which until that moment had been Schleicher's strongest bastion of support now suddenly withdrew their support.
Evil's strongest bastion was in Angmar, with 59% of games being Evil victories.
Since the 1930's, the New York region has been the Mafia's strongest bastion in America.
The public sector is one of the strongest remaining bastions for British trade unions.
Its strong bastions and high 'curtains' were never taken by an enemy.
Europe is the strongest bastion of humanism.