At 10:00 the British infantry were reported to have captured this dominating position on the Jerusalem-Jericho road, but a strong counter-attack drove them off.
However they were too weak in numbers to hold it from being retaken by a strong German counter-attack, on 30 April.
A few days later the Germans launched a strong counter-attack near Salerno where the Allies had landed.
At first successful, the offensive was soon stopped and then thrown back by a strong counter-attack.
However, all the time your shoulder leads, your centre-line is not facing the opponent, so you are vulnerable to a strong counter-attack.
During this period I./KG 77 helped defeat a strong Soviet counter-attack by the 11th Army and 34th Army.
At 09:00 on 27 March, the Germans launched a very strong counter-attack under heavy artillery fire.
On 15-16 August 1917, a strong German counter-attack was repulsed by the 10th Battalion.
By 15:00 intermittent Ottoman shelling was increasing in volume, when an extra hostile battery came into action on the right, and a strong counter-attack developed.
During the night, loyalists launched a strong counter-attack in the east of the city, leaving 17 opposition fighters dead and 87 wounded.