These media create the necessary strong magnetic coupling to an applied electromagnetic field, not otherwise available in conventional materials.
Also, as part of periodic composite structure these are designed to have a stronger magnetic coupling than is found in nature.
Furthermore, the multiple unit structure has strong magnetic coupling with low radiative losses.
It is this strong coupling between system elements, together with nonlinearity, which may lead to complex behavior.
There is no explicit form available for pressure in this case due to a strong coupling of the velocity and pressure fields.
That has the effect of giving long waves stronger coupling into the forwards direction, which helps them get there a little faster.
Be prepared for strong coupling, then all your questions will be answered.
This is particularly important when strong couplings between environment and transmission occur only transiently.
The question can only be answered non-perturbatively, since it involves strong coupling.
Firstly, the D state has strong coupling with the environment and hence a short decoherence time.