The government of Georgia dispatched, on July 25, a strong detachment of police and security forces to disarm the defiant paramilitary leader.
I decided to leave the village alone for the time being but occupy the surrounding hills and trails with a couple of strong detachments.
A "strong detachment of marines" numbering 58 enlisted men and four officers also made the journey and pistols had been distributed to the crew.
The earl dispatched a strong detachment of troops to take the fortress by force, but Kenneth was able to fend off the attackers.
Meanwhile they'd sent out strong detachments to enter the woods above and below the ambush, and flank it.
They then advanced up the bank to edge of a woods where they encountered a strong detachment of Confederates supported by artillery.
He commanded a 10,000 strong detachment of home guard infantry, cavalry, and artillery for the defense of the city of Philadelphia.
I looked, and saw a strong detachment of warriors marching toward the Dusar; at the same time, the Dusar rose from the ground.
Martial law was proclaimed, and three strong detachments, one of them under Colonel Outram, were stationed in different parts of the district.
But his force was weakened by the necessity of leaving a strong detachment to contain Elrond and prevent him coming.