Our goal, simply stated, was to seek to moderate Iraqi behavior with a mix of limited incentives and strong disincentives.
Moreover, a shorter franchise period is a strong disincentive to cable companies' investing in new equipment and upgrading plants.
But the court has now provided strong disincentives for engaging in such efforts.
It's a tragedy of the commons situation, where individual scientists have little incentive and often strong disincentives to participate.
However, there exist strong financial and policy disincentives for practicing primary prevention at a community health center.
Moreover, Muslims who wish to leave Islam face strong disincentives.
The thought of the journey back out is in itself a strong disincentive to escape.
Taxes on savings create a strong disincentive to future savings via their double-taxation effect.
However, it is necessary to set up a permanent crisis resolution mechanism with strong built-in disincentives for activation.
Major manufacturers have a strong disincentive to experiment with new materials and radical aerodynamic designs.