Since 2002, Kazakhstan has sought to manage strong inflows of foreign currency without sparking inflation.
Under these agreements, both apparel and sugar exports did well, with rapid growth and a strong inflow of foreign direct investment.
Bond mutual funds are also reporting strong inflows.
Fixed-income mutual funds had strong inflows, totaling $1.8 billion, up from $327 million.
Additionally, the storm developed strong low-level inflow from the deep southern Caribbean, which continuously brought moisture into the storm.
The strong inflow of tourists into Kovalam, started Kerala government to consider tourism as a key industry.
And developing countries are vulnerable to a reversal of the strong inflow of capital that has supported their growth in recent years.
Monetary tightening in 2007 was complicated by the strong inflow of foreign exchange.
"That's why the hedge fund industry is currently seeing strong inflows," he continues.
Given the strong inflows into other mutual funds, money must be coming into the money market funds from new sources, analysts said.