There's only so much a man my age can take without a strong jolt of caffeine.
At best, a Grisham book offers a veneer of seriousness and a strong jolt of clever escapism.
Hyper-caff is the strongest jolt of all, ten thousand times more potent than caffeine.
She just needed a stronger jolt to turn it on.
If a low-level shock does not work, it may deliver two levels of stronger jolts.
There was a strong jolt, someone cried out in pain, a piece of plastic broke loudly somewhere-and then all was still again.
They fled from the small building into which the man and woman had disappeared; the ground shook with stronger jolts and heavy concrete cracked.
When completed, the building will deliver a strong esthetic jolt.
La Forge rose to his feet at the instant that the ship was rocked by what felt like a strong jolt.
(It took Rock Hudson's death in 1985 to give the country a strong first jolt.)