Some of the strongest paintings in the show are those in which Hodler provided a human measure.
The strongest paintings use the casual marsh grasses as a principal part of the composition.
These are strong paintings, a nice change in pace for Mr. Juarez.
He was now inventing the strong paintings that would build and reinforce his reputation.
The dark granite information desk, for example, cried out for a strong painting above it, he said.
She was an uneven artist, whose strongest paintings were produced from 1917 to 1930.
These are strong paintings, a nice change of pace for this artist (Glueck).
There is strong later painting as well.
It's a superficial way of saying it, but these women had to deal with that issue, and they made very tough, strong paintings, like this one.
But the exhibition includes some of the strongest paintings she has made in years, maybe ever.