Martin studied under Frans Floris, and at first exhibited a strong predilection for landscape work.
Lucien had a strong predilection for theatrical exhibitions, to which he attached great importance.
Like the Irish museum, Frankfurt's has a director of strong and distinctive predilections.
It also displays Saint-Saëns's strong predilection for counterpoint; there are three fugues incorporated into the music.
There is a slight female predilection according to recent studies, but historically it has been associated with a strong male predilection.
"But those are also the ones with the strongest partisan predilections and least likely to be influenced."
He has always had a strong predilection for contemporary opera, and his repertory selections are likely to come under close scrutiny.
As a youngster, Warton demonstrated a strong predilection toward writing poetry, a skill he would continue to develop all of his life.
F. hepatica has a strong predilection for the tissues of the liver.
Through it all, a strong predilection for bright coloration, governed by a strict economy, suggests a Boulezian influence as much as a Reichian one.