The scientists, using pictures that had strong shadows, were able to calculate the angle of the sun to fix the location.
The light from the living room made strong shadows on his face.
Two of them, Milwaukee and Boston cast strong shadows all season long, each led by powerful individual forces determined to win.
The strong shadows cast by the sweeping roofs and cantilevers make the house look less massive.
The sunlight slanted through the windows, throwing strong shadows on the floor but without lighting the inside clearly.
There, she throws a strong shadow, and has a slightly different headpiece.
It was a point source that cast strong, sharp shadows over their suits.
The late afternoon sun fell obliquely across the street and cast strong shadows opposite.
"It was both a shadow and a flame, strong and terrible."
He reported that the light could be observed 68 miles away and would cast a strong shadow at a distance of thirteen miles.