Second, it is not possible to distinguish weak ubiquitous staining from strong staining in a small subset of cells using whole-embryo microarray data.
In untreated controls, most cells displayed strong staining for SKP2 with few cells positive for p27 (Fig.
Figure 1 shows the strong nuclear staining seen in one of these adenomas.
However, strong staining accompanied young (small) syncytial aggregates (y, panels A and B).
Also, Jin et al., (2001) reported that Leydig cells showed strong positive staining for the inhibin βA subunit in pigs testis.
As shown in Figure 1A, a varying percentage (10-70%) of colonic carcinoma cells showed a strong staining at the basement membrane site of the tumour cells with both antibodies.
The strong cytoplasmic staining of the large blood mesenchymal cells (Fig.
High concentrations of the dye are toxic to animal cells, however concentrations in the region of 10 micromolar are typically sufficient to give strong staining with minimal cell death.
In addition, mast cells in normal colon, adenoma, or carcinoma samples consistently showed strong positive staining for cytochrome P450 3A.
S. caerulescens is a similar species in western North America; it can be distinguished by the strong blue staining that develops when the stem is injured.