Tuesday, with a strong tailwind, his 350-yard drive veered into the left rough.
A strong tailwind and a hard, uneven field played havoc with touch passing in the first half.
But after the 60-yarder, he's confident that he can kick a record breaker without a strong tailwind.
She continued west, now travelling swiftly with a strong tailwind.
With a strong tailwind, Lewis was timed in 9.78 seconds, the fastest time ever under any conditions.
At about two thousand meters they hit a steady strong tailwind and started homing north, toward the polar settlement.
The American plane picked up a stronger tailwind than expected, and the warning turned red again.
The winning time was 5 minutes 36.5 seconds for the 2,000-meter course, fast because of a strong tailwind.
A strong tailwind put the flight three and a half hours ahead of schedule.
Meanwhile, the incumbent conservatives here have a strong tailwind that their counterparts in other parts of Germany do not have.