One strong tug released the lever and the hidden lock.
While many say they resent the media coverage, others admit to a strong tug of fascination.
It wasn't until he felt a strong tug on the line that he became aware of his peril.
"She has found something," he said, and pulled the startled youth to his feet with a strong tug on the wrist.
Outside, a man grunted with the effort of a strong tug.
She, however, is not changed sufficiently to love George, although she does feel a strong emotional tug towards him.
On the third strong tug, the bag popped from the grip of the earth.
A strong tug on his line brought him sharply back to the present.
But diplomatic concerns are giving President Clinton a strong tug in the other direction.
He felt a strong tug on the line, too strong to be a normal type of fish.