The structure has to be destroyed during a strong windstorm as it had been cheaply built and posed a risk to the local community.
In Summers, strong windstorms make these areas very inhospitable by kicking up dust storms.
A very strong windstorm abruptly starts, which Karswell claims to have created with a spell.
The structure was destroyed in a strong windstorm sometime before June 2005.
State officials worry a strong windstorm or earthquake could damage the bridge beyond repair.
Phet battered the city with record-breaking rains and strong windstorms.
Huracan is also the source of the word orcan, another word for a particularly strong European windstorm.
Occasionally strong windstorms make these areas very inhospitable.
In October 2006, a strong windstorm demolished a large steel grain bin at the elevator.
We visited Pena Palace one afternoon in a strong windstorm.