The next thing he has a strong yearning to see is the spot where the Saviour was crucified.
By a yearning so strong they must plunge whead, even when their goal is falling apart before their eyes?
"Today, there is a strong yearning in Sicily to be redeemed and liberated, especially from the power of the Mafia."
"I have a strong yearning to return and live the rest of my years among my compatriots, in the land where I belong," he said.
She looked at the cafe and for a moment a strong yearning swept over her.
If he breathes any of it, it will produce a very strong yearning in him.
"I say I've just acquired a strong yearning for champagne."
She was experiencing a strong yearning to see both her daughter and little Nicole, whom she had never even met.
The long gray afternoon, piercing to this mysterious night, had called up strong yearnings in him, the seeds of which were planted months before.