They were both compact, strong-looking men in their mid-twenties.
This barbarian world was full of strong-looking men.
A young, strong-looking blond man wearing a black denim longsuit steps forward.
Looking past her out the window, he could see a car standing in the street; a big, strong-looking man stood beside it.
The man who got out of the Volga was a large, strong-looking man, and he strode over to them.
A large, strong-looking man, Mr. James said he came from a broken home filled with family problems.
This was a young man, dark and handsome and strong-looking, with intelligent eyes.
He was a small man, slight but strong-looking, many inches shorter than Wexford.
Among them were three people, one of them a tall, strong-looking man in his mid-fifties.
He was a dark, strong-looking man who wore a gun like a man who could use it.