The "BopTong is conservative in theology and strongly anti-communist".
The government was authoritarian in nature and strongly anti-communist, supressing enemies of the state as anti-Portuguese.
Strongly anti-communist, they argued that their aim was to "smash the reds and pinks".
In 1950, the couple moved to Mexico to escape the strongly anti-Communist political atmosphere of the times.
This paper had a strongly anti-communist editorial line.
Strongly anti-communist, he was also trusted by the British colonial officials.
The pace has stepped up since the first free parliamentary elections last spring returned a conservative, strongly anti-Communist Government.
Lansdale's campaign focused on northern Catholics, who were known for their strongly anti-communist tendencies.
Both the conservatives and the liberals were strongly anti-communist.
He soon became known as a strongly anti-Communist political activist, and his eloquence made him a regular guest on political talk shows.