Laris could tell by Ferarres's obstinacy, that, untrained as Tani might be, still her abilities were powerful and her team was bonded to her very strongly.
If two metals can "alloy", they can be one continuous body of metal, all strongly bonded together, with no sharp seam between them.
The Dulong-Petit law fails at room temperatures for light atoms bonded strongly to each other, such as in metallic beryllium, and in carbon as diamond.
Almost from the start of the largest such competition in history, the jury bonded strongly.
So, sound travels fastest in the most strongly bonded materials.
Most of their women are illiterate and strongly bonded with their customs.
Though whether military communities, by nature strongly bonded, will benefit from New Urbanism, is still an open question.
The energetic stability of the gaseous products and hence their generation comes from the formation of strongly bonded species like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and (di)nitrogen, which contain strong double and triple bonds having bond strengths of nearly 1 MJ/mole.
Molecules strongly bonded to each other are less likely to vaporize and reach your olfactory nerves in order to be smelled.