Attitudes on the issue of whether all Americans should be tested for the AIDS virus were strongly conditioned by the respondents' education, Gallup said.
The climate is strongly conditioned by the Gulf Stream, which warms the western region to levels unattainable at similar latitudes on other continents.
This body he occupied was strongly conditioned.
Their sound in particular lacked polish because it was strongly conditioned by the technological tools the band members had access to during the time.
On the other hand, the system has been strongly conditioned by pressures and demands placed upon it.
The traditional architecture of Andalusia retains its Roman and Arab roots, with a marked Mediterranean character strongly conditioned by the climate.
She had been conditioned strongly against suicide, and that conditioning still lingered.
In addition, if you've been strongly conditioned to allow sexual intimacy with only one partner with whom you are exclusively "mated," the idea of multiple partners may seem alien or even repulsive.
Measles, diarrhoeal diseases, tuberculosis, most respiratory infections, whooping cough, many intestinal parasites and cholera were all strongly conditioned by nutritional status.
We are faced with an air space that is strongly conditioned by the military systems, even today.