Chrysler Imperial is a strongly fragrant, dark red hybrid tea rose cultivar.
The inflorescence has up to 30 strongly fragrant flowers, each about 4 cm across.
Often profuse and very prominent, they are strongly fragrant, and have five petals.
It is best known for its strongly fragrant yellow or white flowers.
The plant grows about 90 to 150 cm high, blooms repeatedly and has strongly fragrant white flowers with dark red edges.
Magnolia champaca is a large evergreen tree best known for its strongly fragrant yellow or white flowers.
It is grown for the clusters of strongly fragrant, brightly coloured flowers.
The strongly fragrant flowers have petals up to 2.6 centimeters long which are white, fading pink.
The white flowers are borne in bunches and are strongly fragrant.
It bears large, strongly fragrant flowers that bloom for a single night only.