When Innocent III heard of the conduct of his pilgrims, he was filled with shame and strongly rebuked them.
In testimony to Congress Bradley strongly rebuked MacArthur for his support of victory at all costs in Korea.
He strongly rebuked their preparation.
Even as the President began to take steps, the Republican Presidential nominee, Bob Dole, strongly rebuked him for "weak leadership" in handling policy toward Iraq.
But it strongly rebuked Britain for its defiant decision not to cooperate with the alliance, of which it is a member, until the broader ban is lifted.
In 2006, Jamie Oliver strongly rebuked Derbyshire, after she questioned his commitment to helping young people in the Cornwall area.
A local party convention strongly rebuked this opinion.
United States officials strongly rebuked India while urging its neighbor, Pakistan, not to conduct its own test.
Emperor Wen, while angry, only strongly rebuked his sons and was unwilling to take further punitive actions against them.
He also strongly rebuked Israel's action saying even pirates had a code of conduct.