Mr. Bush strongly reiterated his commitment to transferring sovereignty in Iraq back to Iraqis on schedule on June 30 despite the spike in resistance there.
At the same time, Boniface sent out a more general bull Salvator mundi that strongly reiterated some of the same ground of Clericis laicos.
Though both sides said they would resolve the issue through negotiations, they also strongly reiterated their rival claims over the islands.
A senior State Department official today strongly reiterated a warning that the United States would not approve of military intervention in South Korean politics.
Several of those figures strongly reiterated that support today.
But in recent weeks, Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan has traveled to Kashmir and strongly reiterated support for the insurgency.
On March 4 representatives of the major domestic companies were summoned by Suharto to a special audience where he strongly reiterated his proposals.
This must continue to receive critical attention, and we must strongly reiterate that rather than cloaking the issue in silence.
The Commission is monitoring the situation in close collaboration with Member States and strongly reiterates its disquiet over the new outburst of violence in Chechnya.