To be sure, many others, especially in the energy and oil businesses, are strongly resistant.
The high silica content of the grasses demanded teeth clad in strongly resistant enamel.
The exacting requirements of the billiard ball are met today with balls cast from plastic materials that are strongly resistant to cracking and chipping.
It was nonetheless a tough, densely woven material strongly resistant against wind and abrasion.
These proteins are strongly resistant to proteolytic processes and promote protein cross-linking.
This was possible because linen is strongly resistant to dyes but cotton is not.
It was remarkable any of this stuff had lasted so long, she thought; it must be strongly resistant to Venus's corrosive air.
It is not strongly resistant to pollution, and can be prone to surface crumbling.
Societies that subscribe to this philosophy tend to display strong levels of equality among members and to be strongly resistant to social change.
She said her greatest concern arose from the fact that over all, swallows appear to be strongly resistant to the effects of PCB's.