But he strongly signaled that he was looking to stabilize the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq to allow American soldiers to return home.
This dampening of inflationary expectations strongly signaled that the Federal Reserve is unlikely to raise interest rates soon, a move that would cut into corporate earnings.
By overturning the ruling, the entire court strongly signaled its inclination to uphold the old policy.
The Bundesbank has already strongly signaled that it saw no room now for further rate cuts on its part.
But at the same time he strongly signaled that he wanted a comprehensive agreement involving all the countries taking part in the Middle East negotiations.
Ministers and those close to them have already strongly signalled a coming rise in tuition fees.
Colin Powell introduced me with conviction and class, strongly signaling the respect he thought I should receive as Commander in Chief.
But by building so many hurdles, the Republicans were signaling strongly that there will probably not be 51 votes for an extended round of new testimony.
The price of a 30-year bond rebounded almost two full points in early trading, signaling strongly that Friday's close was at least temporarily the market's price bottom.
Energy regulators also strongly signaled that they were considering a similar approach for both the Midwest and the West.