Mochán strongly stresses that in his opinion these and other explanations considered are "not enough to explain the magnitude of errors."
Most significantly to many officials, Mr. Halpin strongly stressed the need to find answers for two issues long avoided by politicians across Long Island: affordable housing and solid-waste management.
The design strongly stressed firepower and speed over armour protection, and indeed, the Fantasque is still to this day the fastest type of destroyer ever built.
As Lamb had predicted, his death provoked stories in the Canadian local and national media, which strongly stressed his history of violence and insanity.
Against the Pelagians, Augustine strongly stressed the importance of infant baptism.
The Carnegie is a teaching award, and in fact, USU strongly stresses close undergraduate involvement for even their most prestigious faculty.
A matter I'm obliged to keep in the strictest confidence, but It is, I cannot stress too strongly, of the profoundest importance.
In addition to the UAC Platform, the United American Committee strongly stresses vigilance within U.S. borders.
A matter I'm obliged to keep in the strictest confidence but is, I cannot stress too strongly, of the profoundest importance," The tortured syntax made Gentle blunt.
Your report stresses strongly the need for European education and training systems to be both efficient and equitable if they are to help us to achieve not only economic growth but social cohesion.